The Beginner’s Guide to Different Types of Welding Rods & Electrodes

Different Types of Welding Rods Explained

As a hobbyist or newbie welding student, one thing’s for sure: the different types of welding rods and electrodes can get pretty confusing. But look no further: In the following post, you’ll find the different types of welding rods explained, as well as reviews of the best welding rods for sale. Different Types of Welding Rods (more…)

Best Portable Welder Reviews (+ Generators & Plasma Cutters)

Best Portable Welders

In this Best Portable Welder Review, we’ve included detailed reviews about the best portable welding machines, of course. But that’s not all – you’ll also find reviews of the best portable plasma cutters and welder generators. Best Portable Welder Reviews: Overview Reviews of the Best Portable Plasma Cutting Machines 7 Best Portable Welder Reviews The (more…)

13 Best Welding Gloves Review

Now, for some of the most important welding supplies of all: the following “13 Best Welding Gloves Review” includes gloves for every type of welding and personal preference. With detailed descriptions, videos, pictures, and a Buyer’s Guide, you’ll find your new favorites in no time. Best Welding Gloves Review: Table of Contents Reviews of the (more…)

The Best Stick Welder Reviews for the Smoothest Arc Welds

Best Arc Welder Reviews

Buyer’s Guide: How to Find the Best Stick Welder for the Sale Since stick welding is one of the most common welding methods, we’ve created these best stick welder reviews to help you find the absolute best welding machine for your specific needs. Additionally, we’ve included plenty of videos, as well as arc welding basic (more…)

How to Find the Best Cheap MIG Welder Under 500

Best Mig Welder Under 500

Best Cheap MIG Welder Reviews: If you’ve been looking for the best MIG welder for the money, you’ve probably noticed that they can be quite expensive. While there’s a time and place for costly welding machines, many of us just don’t have room in our budget. And that’s why we’ve created these best cheap MIG welders reviews! Best (more…)

Badass Welding Hoods: 8 Awesome Welding Helmets Designs

Welcome to the Ultimate Badass Welding Helmet Standoff: The 8 Best Welding Helmet Designs in 2019 Perhaps the most important piece of welding equipment is a quality welding helmet. But why not be a badass while wearing one? After asking ourselves that question, we decided there was only one thing to do. To own our (more…)

Best Mig Welders Under 1000 Reviews: The Top 9 in 2019

Mig Welder Reviews

Fortunately, those of you looking for a new best MIG welder under 1000 dollars are in luck. In the following welder reviews, we’ll provide a detailed review for each of the top 9 welders for MIG. This includes videos, pictures, specs, pros & cons, and best uses. Additionally, a quick “How to Pick a Welder for (more…)

Finding the Best Multi Process Welder: All in One Welder Reviews

Best Multi Process Welding Machines

Welcome to TFC‘s Ultimate 6 Best Multi Process Welder Reviews! The following post has two parts. First, you’ll find detailed reviews of the best multipurpose welding machines for sale. Then, take advantage of the specialized Buyer’s Guide. Both are designed to help you find the best rig to fit your budget and welding requirements. Best (more…)

2018’s Best Auto Darkening Welding Helmet Reviews

Auto Darkening Welding Helmet Prices

Whether you’re a seasoned welder or freshly enrolled in a welding school near you, a quality helmet is a must. Although standard glass helmets do exist, most welders prefer an auto darkening helmet. However, with all of the welding helmets on the market today, it can be hard to figure out which is best for (more…)