Buying an Expensive Welding Helmet Could Be the Best Decision You Ever Make

Why Choosing An Expensive Welding Helmet Could Be the Best Decision You Ever Make What is the best welding helmet?  Welders on a budget would say the cheapest welding helmets are the best.  That’s true if you’re tight on cash. Others might be drawn to whatever welding mask has the coolest designs. However, welding is a (more…)

8 Budget Welding Helmets Guaranteed to Make Your Wallet Happier

Best Budget Welding Helmet Reviews

If you have a small budget but want quality protection, these 8 Best Budget Welding Helmet Reviews are for you. Because let’s be real! Not everybody has several thousand grand laying around. (And if they do, it would be better spent on welding school.) In this article, you’ll find thorough reviews of good cheap welding hoods (more…)

Badass Welding Hoods: 8 Awesome Welding Helmets Designs

Welcome to the Ultimate Badass Welding Helmet Standoff: The 8 Best Welding Helmet Designs in 2019 Perhaps the most important piece of welding equipment is a quality welding helmet. But why not be a badass while wearing one? After asking ourselves that question, we decided there was only one thing to do. To own our (more…)

Reviews of the Best Welding Supplies Online: Buyer’s Guide 2018

Discount Welding Supplies Online

Reviews of the Best Welding Supplies Online: Table of Contents Welding Boots Best Welding Caps Welding Gloves Reviews Best Auto Darkening Welding Helmets Best Plasma Cutter for Sale Budget Friendly MIG Welder Best Welding Shirts Reviews of 2 Top Rated Welding Sleeves Welding Work Boots Of the best welding supplies online, there are three great (more…)

2018’s Best Auto Darkening Welding Helmet Reviews

Auto Darkening Welding Helmet Prices

Whether you’re a seasoned welder or freshly enrolled in a welding school near you, a quality helmet is a must. Although standard glass helmets do exist, most welders prefer an auto darkening helmet. However, with all of the welding helmets on the market today, it can be hard to figure out which is best for (more…)