8 Budget Welding Helmets Guaranteed to Make Your Wallet Happier

Best Budget Welding Helmet Reviews

If you have a small budget but want quality protection, these 8 Best Budget Welding Helmet Reviews are for you. Because let’s be real! Not everybody has several thousand grand laying around. (And if they do, it would be better spent on welding school.) In this article, you’ll find thorough reviews of good cheap welding hoods (more…)

2018’s Best Auto Darkening Welding Helmet Reviews

Auto Darkening Welding Helmet Prices

Whether you’re a seasoned welder or freshly enrolled in a welding school near you, a quality helmet is a must. Although standard glass helmets do exist, most welders prefer an auto darkening helmet. However, with all of the welding helmets on the market today, it can be hard to figure out which is best for (more…)